Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with all features

Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. In this section, I will discuss how to install and configure Microsoft SQL Server 2012 on Windows Platform. (I am using Windows 7-64bit for in this tutorial)

Software and hardware requirements
1) Software requirements
  • .NET 3.5 SP1 is a requirement for SQL Server 2012 when you select Database Engine, Reporting Services, Master Data Services, Data Quality Services, Replication, or SQL Server Management Studio, and it is no longer installed by SQL Server Setup
  • .NET 4.0 is a requirement for SQL Server 2012. SQL Server installs .NET 4.0 during the feature installation step.
  • Windows PowerShell 2.0
  • Internet Explorer 7 or a later version
2) Hardware requirements
  • SQL Server 2012 Express Edition requires a minimum of 6 GB of available hard-disk space.
  • Minimum Memory: Express Editions: 512 MB, All other editions: 1 GB
  • Minimum Processor Speed: x86 Processor: 1.0 GHz OR x64 Processor: 1.4 GHz
  • Processor Type: x64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support, x86 Processor: Pentium III-compatible processor or faster
  • Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster
Download MS SQL Server 2012
Install MS SQL Server 2012
1) Double click the downloaded setup file. You will appear setup starting window like in this picture.

2) You will have setup wizard dialogues like below, There are many options in the dialogue, You can requirement check, Access online help, Repair existing installation, Upgrade existing installation, But in this tutorial I will discuss new installation, So Click ‘Installation’ link in the right sidebar to start

3)  In this dialogue you can install a fresh copy, Install a fresh copy with cluster, Add node to existing database, or upgrade existing database, So  Select ‘New SQL Server stand-alone installation or add features to an existing installation’ to install fresh copy

4) Click run button to check system compatibility to instal SQL Server, If all status was passed, You can continue the setup process. If you have not passed, You should correct issue and re-run and click ‘Ok’ (This steps may not applicable in some versions)

5) Enter product key and click next, If you want free edition, Then select ‘Express’  from the edition, You can continue with Evaluation but after 180 days your installation will expire.This steps may not applicable in some versions.

6) Select the “I accept the licence terms” to agree on terms and click “Next” button

7) Installation is progressing. If you want to install the update you should have an internet connection to download updates. So sometimes you have appeared error about internet connection, So you can ignore that error message.

8) If all status is passed. Press ‘Next’ button, You can ignore or solve warning .

9)  I left the default feature ‘SQL Server Feature Installation’. if you do not want to change the option then  press ‘Next’ button

10) Select the features and change the ‘Shared feature directory’ if you want, otherwise press ‘Next’ button, (Some features are available only for some version, Don’t worry about option count)


11) Start installation roles.

12)  I have selected ‘Default Instance’ and given the instance (server) name.  You can change ‘Instance root directory’ if you want. Otherwise, press ‘Next’ button

13)  It will not allow. if you do not have sufficient space on the disc. Press ‘Next’ button

14) You can change the ‘Startup Type’ for SQL services in the tab. Which also can be done in the Control Panel ‘Services’after installation, (Some configurations are available only for some version, Don’t worry about configurations count)

15) Change the ‘Collation’ if you want, otherwise Press ‘Next’ button

16) Choose the authentication mode and specify the ‘Administrator’ user.You can user windows authentication or mix-mode mean both windows and separate user for MSSQL server, Here, I have selected ‘Add Current User’. Also, you can change the ‘Data Directories’ and enable ‘FILESTREAM’ if you want , otherwise Press ‘Next’ button

17) You can change analysis server mode from this step and also assign the user to analysis server through add current user button.

18)  Reporting server configuration. You can select one option and click ‘Next

19) ‘Distributed Replay Controller’ service feature is new in SQL Server 2012, here specify the user who should have permission to use this service. Press ‘Next’ button. Distributed Replay feature helps you assess the impact of future SQL Server upgrades. Refer

20) Specify the Controller Machine name which should have ‘Distributed Replay Controller’ service. Also, you can change the working directory and Press ‘Next’ button.

21) Click ‘ Next’ button

22) This is summery about selected futures and configuration. If you missed something go ‘Back’ and change. Click ‘ Install’ to start the installation.

23) After the successful installation, your screen should look like below
I used completed setupfile to create this tutorial, So some options and futures are not applicable fot some setups file. That mean you can install all compenent manually one by one.
Thanx, Plase leave your comments about this tutorials.
Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with all features Install Microsoft SQL Server 2012 with all features Reviewed by Lilantha Lakmal on 10:47:00 AM Rating: 5

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