MongoDB GUI Tools for windows


Hi Everyone, My last post I was discussed with you about how to install MongoDB on windows platform, In this session I will  discuss with you about GUI Tools to work and data manipulate with MongoDB.MongoDB does not include a GUI tools.Instead, the most administration is done from command line tool called mongo shell. Anyway, Now a day available some open source and commercial GUI tools to work with MongoDB. Some are focused to administrative and some are manipulated date.

MongoDB GUI tools.

1. MongoDB Cloud Manager

This is a cloud base tools which is deploying, manage and backup MnogodB instance.
2. Mongo Chef
3T MongoChef is a multi-platform, in-place data browser and editor, and includes the following features.
  • Edit any MongoDB data type directly in a tree-view, table-view or in a lossless JSON editor.
  • Edit complex structures such as embedded documents or arrays-in-arrays-in-embedded-documents in both a tree-view or table-view effortlessly.
  • See live evaluation of your data as you type (very handy for data types such as Date, Timestamp, etc).
  • Seamlessly step into embedded objects, either for all documents simultaneously or for just individual documents.
  • Build JSON queries with simple drag-and-drop.
  • Copy & paste documents across databases and collections.
  • Import & export documents from and to different databases, collections, and JSON files.

3. MongoClient

'Mongo client' is an another MongoDB management tools and also it free and open source. Available for most platforms likes a Mac, Windows, Linux.
  • Fully responsive design. supports all platforms.
  • Directly file upload or download from an easy UI.
  • Directly database dump/restore from an easy UI.
  • Autocompletion of columns on queries.
  • Visualised mongo DB server status with a nice dashboard and charts. (Server Monitoring)
  • Supports MongoDB 3.2 and older versions.
  • Configurable timeout, default result view and more features.

4. Robomongo.
Robomongo is a shell-centric cross-platform open source MongoDB management tool (i.e. Admin GUI). Robomongo embeds the same JavaScript engine that powers MongoDB’s mongo shell. Everything you can write in mongo shell you can write in Robomongo. This is a one of my favourite MongoDB tools, Very easy to use.
5. NoSQL Manager for Mongo
NoSQL Manager for MongoDB is a desktop GUI tool for Mongo database management, administration and development. It unites a user-friendly GUI and the power of the Mongo shell.
6. Mongo Express
mongo express is an open source web-based MongoDB administrative interface written with Node.js and Express 4.


  • Connect to multiple databases
  • View/add/delete databases
  • View/add/rename/delete collections
  • View/add/update/delete documents
  • Preview audio/video/image assets in line in collection view
  • Nested and/or large objects are collapsible for easy overview
  • Async on-demand loading of big document properties (>100KB default) to keep collection view fast
  • GridFS support - add/get/delete incredibly large files
  • Use BSON data types in documents
  • Mobile / Responsive - Bootstrap 3 works passably on small screens when you're in a bind
  • Connect and authenticate to individual databases
  • Authenticate as admin to view all databases
  • Database blacklist/whitelist
  • Custom CA and CA validation disabling

7. Admin Mongo
adminMongo is an open source Web-based administration user interface written with Node.js.
8. is a web-based user interface for MongoDB.
9. MongoBird
mongobird is an operations and administration management tool for MongoDB with dashboards, forecast warning, and various graphs.
  • Packaged with an install script.
  • Supports real-time monitoring. Captures information from the servers at 10-second intervals
  • Provides a group for MongoDB replica sets.
  • The dashboard of important information so that the state of MongoDB is visible at a glance.
  • Graphs that display historical statistics for all data collected from MongoDB.
  • Supports user-defined events for forecasting, warnings, and event notification,

10. Mongoowl
mongoowl is a live monitoring and graphic visualisation tool based on DHTML including HTML5.
  • Free download.
  • Live Monitoring: Provides monitoring information at 1-second intervals.
  • Pure JavaScript: Just uses javascript with DHTML.
  • Standalone: Runs without WAS.
  • Animated Graphs: Supports user-defined graphs by smooth changes about monitoring items
11. dbSchems
Use DbSchema to create diagrams for MongoDB, with separate entities for each collection and sub-document.

12. MongoBooster
MongoBooster is a shell-centric cross-platform GUI tool for MongoDB v2.2-3.2, which provides update-in-place, Lodash & Moment.js integration, ES6 syntax support and true intelligence experience.
13. Mongo Management studio
Mongo Management Studio is a management console for MongoDB. With a clean and lightweight user interface, you can execute the typical MongoDB commands, without using the MongoDB shell. It can't assists your local development and test processes and works with MongoDB instances on remote and production servers. With a basic but strict user and rights management, you can control the access rights of all users.

MongoDB GUI Tools for windows MongoDB GUI Tools for windows Reviewed by Lilantha Lakmal on 12:49:00 PM Rating: 5

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