Pentaho Flat file to table
Hi everyone, In this section I will discuss with you that how to load flat files into the table using Pentaho.Create Transformation
1. Follow the below steps to start the new transformation.File –> New –> Transformation.
2. This is a new transformation window
3. Drag ‘Text file input’ step under the input folder in design tab and drop it into transformation windows.
4. Drag ‘Table output step under the input folder in design tab and drop it into transformation windows.
5. To create a link (hoop) between input step and output step, When you mouse over to Text file input you can see tool box like below.
6. Click 4th icon and drag it into output step.
7. This is a final design
Configuration Input Step
1. Double-click Text file input step to open configuration dialogue. This is a files tab2. Click Show filename(s) button to check selected file names.
3. Click show file content button to check content in file
4. Next, configuration in Content tab
5. You should configure filed details in Filed tab, Click ‘Get field’ to add fields in test files. Now you can click ‘Previews row ’ to check data in your text file. and click ‘Ok’ to finish input configuration.
Configuration Output Step
1. Doule click table output step to open table output configurations. This is an artical about create datanase connection2. Mapping input field name with table field names. Click database field tab and click get field button to get automatically get field names from both sides.
3. If you haven’t table you can create table according to your input filed, Clik ‘SQL’ Button and run the script to create a table.
2. If same your input and output field name it will automatically mapping , But not same ‘Enter filed mapping’ button to manually one by one mapping. After map click ‘Ok’
Run Transformation
1. Click run transformation button to start transformation4. Click ‘ Launch’ Botton to start. If you want details logging about transformation select ‘Details logging’ in log level drop down menu
5. Fill the details and ok to save and run transformation.
If you have any quesion commecnt it below.
Pentaho Flat file to table
Reviewed by Lilantha Lakmal
2:55:00 PM
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